Major Emergency Incident Information and Advice

Local authorities, together with other Principal Response Agencies, provide information and advice to the public and media about major emergency incidents such as flooding, storms and hazardous substance incidents. A major emergency is any event which, usually with little or no warning, causes or threatens injury or death, serious disruption of essential services, or damage to property, the environment or infrastructure beyond the normal capabilities of the main emergency services.

It is also important to note the role of the wider community in response to an emergency incident. Carlow County Council works closely with community groups and organisations for the betterment of all and a particular emphasis is given to the protection of the most vulnerable in society. By its nature, emergency planning is an on-going process, and all who have a part to play are continually seeking to learn lessons from the past and develop improved arrangements for the future. This plan, therefore, will be kept under constant review and available for consultation by members of the public.

There may be situations where it will be crucial for Carlow County Council to provide timely and accurate information directly to the public on an emergency situation. This will be especially important where members of the public may perceive themselves and their families to be at risk and are seeking information on actions which they can take to protect themselves and their families.

The Local Co-ordination Group will take over the task of coordinating the provision of information to the public as soon as it convenes. This activity will be coordinated by the lead agency. The Local Coordination Group may establish a sub-group for this purpose and use all available channels to make concise and accurate information available. This may include the use of dedicated “help-lines”, web-pages, automatic text messaging, as well as through liaison with local and National media as well as with Social Media.