Environmental Protection

Biodiversity Information and Advice

Local authorities provide information and advice to the public about protecting habitats, planting wildlife meadows, developing and preserving ecosystems, and removing invasive species to protect local biodiversity.

Community Environment Action Fund

Local authorities may provide financial support to community groups, schools and environmental non governmental organisations to carry out small environmental projects to promote sustainable development.

Invasive Species Information and Advice

Local authorities may provide information and advice to the public about invasive plant and animal species such as giant hogweed, Japanese knotweed, Himalayan balsam, winter heliotrope, the grey squirrel, the Chinese mitten crab, the ruddy duck and the American mink.

Invasive Species Reporting

You can report sightings of invasive plant and animal species to the local authority. These species include giant hogweed, Japanese knotweed, Himalayan balsam, winter heliotrope, the grey squirrel, the Chinese mitten crab, the ruddy duck and the American mink.

Special Amenity Area Consultation

Local authorities may designate areas of outstanding natural beauty or special recreational value as Special Amenity Areas. You can have an input into the designations through consultation.

Special Area of Conservation Assessment

Local authorities assess relevant planning applications to measure the impact on special areas of conservation (SACs). Habitats and species which must be protected in SACs include bogs, sand dunes, lakes, rivers, woodlands, otters, salmon and bottlenose dolphins.

Tree Preservation Order

Local authorities may issue preservation orders for trees and woodlands to prevent them from being cut down or destroyed without permission.


Local authorities manage wetlands to protect these natural habitats.