Litter Management Plan Consultation

Local authorities prepare plans to prevent and control litter. You can have an input into the plans through consultation.

Litter Management Plan

The Carlow Litter Management Plan 2021 – 2023 for the prevention and control of litter, sets out to achieve measurable improvements of litter in Carlow. It is intended that all measures to be undertaken are realistic and measurable.

It sets out specific objectives for the following:

  1. Public awareness, participation and education.
  2. Prevention
  3. Enforcement and control of litter

The Plan will lead to continual improvement in the eradication of litter pollution throughout the county.

To this end Carlow County Council actively monitors litter pollution levels through participation in the National Litter Pollution Monitoring System (NLPMS) which is overseen by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government.

If you have any queries in relation to litter management, please contact the Environment Section by phone 059 913 6231 or by email