Carlow Period Dignity Initiative

The initiative aims to help end period poverty through access to free menstrual products in no cost dispensers in publicly accessible buildings.

Carlow Period Dignity Initiative

Carlow County Council is proud to announce the launch of the Carlow Period Dignity Initiative.

The initiative aims to help end period poverty through access to free menstrual products in no cost dispensers in publicly accessible buildings.

Free period products are now provided, supported by the Department of Health, to help mitigate against known product availability challenges that exist for some members of our community. 

The Healthy Ireland Survey 2022 reported “24% of women surveyed have experienced at least one indicator of period poverty, with 14% aged over 25 reported having to improvise with materials not intended for use during their period”.

Provision of free products from ‘no cost’ dispensers will be available in the following buildings:

Carlow County Council County Building
Carlow Town Hall
Carlow Enterprise House
Carlow County Museum and Library
Bagenalstown Library
Borris Library
Tullow Library
Ducketts Grove
New Oak Community Centre
Forward Steps Family Resource Centre

If your building is accessible to the public and has free period products available to the public, please contact Healthy Carlow to be added to this list and receive free information posters, window stickers and promotional support on 059 9170321.

Healthy Carlow will continue to grow the Carlow Period Dignity Initiative for Carlow in 2025.