
Assistive Technologies

Public libraries may provide specific computer software, hearing induction loops and other assistive and adaptive technologies for library users who have vision, hearing and learning difficulties.

Library Promotion

Public libraries promote library services through media campaigns, promotional material, library websites and social media, and partnerships with relevant stakeholders.

Library Tours

Public libraries may give tours of library buildings and collections, demonstrations on the use of library equipment, and information on library membership to students and other groups to promote library use.

Library Wheelchairs

Public libraries may provide wheelchairs to help people with mobility issues to get around the library building.

My Open Library Initiative

Public libraries may give library members access to library services on a self service basis during extended opening times to borrow and return books, use the internet and WiFi, and print, photocopy and study.

Age Friendly Events and Activities

Public libraries run activities and events for older people including digital skills training, author visits, creative workshops and networking opportunities.

Children's Activities and Events

Public libraries may run children's activities and events such as storytelling, author visits, creative writing workshops, seasonal arts and crafts workshops, and sessions on a range of educational topics.

Library Clubs

Public libraries may run or host clubs such as homework clubs, Lego clubs, knitting, sewing and gardening clubs where children and adults can learn about different subjects, develop new skills and meet people.

Library Events and Activities

Public libraries may run cultural, educational, and recreational events and activities open to both library members and non members.

Library Visits to Schools

Public libraries may visit schools to tell students about library services, how to join the library and what resources available to them.

National Library Programmes Support

Public libraries may support national programmes such as Heritage Week, Science Week, Engineers Week, National Tree Week, Seachtain na Gaeilge, World Book Day and the Bealtaine Festival by running relevant activities and events in libraries during these dates.

Parent and Toddler Groups Support

Public libraries may run or host groups where young children can meet, play and listen to stories and parents and guardians can compare notes on parenting and early childhood issues.

DVD Lending

Public libraries may lend DVDs to library members.

Inter-Library Loans

Library members may request specialised items through the inter library loan system that are not available in the Irish public library system.

Library Resources Reservation

Library members can reserve items that are out on loan or borrow books from another library in the Irish public library system.

Literacy Resources Lending

Public libraries may lend literacy resources such as reading schemes, high interest low level readers and flashcards to library members.

Magazine Lending

Public libraries may lend magazines to you if you are a library members.

Music Libraries

Public libraries may provide music libraries which offer CDs, records, musical instruments and sheet music for borrowing as well as online and reference resources to promote an appreciation of all types of music.

Special Education Resources Lending

Public libraries may lend education resources on special education issues such as dyslexia, autism spectrum disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to library members.

Teachers Resources Lending

Public libraries may lend resource material such as flash cards, big books, photocopiable material and reading schemes for an extended period to teachers and schools who are library members.

Autism Friendly Initiatives

Public libraries may provide autism specific events such as sensory story times, social stories, literacy, art appreciation and film screenings. They may also provide quiet, clutter free areas to make libraries welcoming to people with autism and their carers.

Book Clubs

Public libraries may run book clubs for members to promote reading among different age groups.

Early Childhood Reading Initiatives

Public libraries may provide reading packs for new parents and starter books for junior and senior infant pupils to promote reading and literacy from an early age.

Right to Read Programme

Public libraries may run a programme of themed seasonal events and activities as part of the national Right to Read Programme to promote literacy and reading development for people of all ages.

Civic Spaces

Public libraries may provide space where groups and individuals may hold events such as book launches, prize givings and commemorations.

Gallery Spaces

Public libraries may provide space where groups and individuals can display their artwork or mount historical or cultural exhibitions.

Library Meeting Rooms

Public libraries may provide rooms which community and voluntary groups and individuals can use to hold meetings, classes, workshops and events.

Study Spaces

Public libraries may provide study areas where people can read or study.

Community Information and Advice

Public libraries may provide information on community clubs, organisations and upcoming events and activities by displaying leaflets, hanging posters and providing community noticeboards.

Public Service Forms

Public libraries may provide public service forms such as motor tax and passport forms.

eLearning Courses Online

Public libraries provide a range of free online courses such as computer skills, accountancy, creative writing and psychology to support lifelong learning.

eLibrary Resources Online Lending

Public libraries may provide online books, audiobooks, magazines and newspapers which library members can download and borrow free of charge.

Internet Access

Public libraries provide free internet access to library users.

Library Online Catalogues Access

Public libraries may provide online catalogues in library branches so that library users can search for titles or topics they are interested in.

Library Podcasts

Public libraries may provide podcasts on relevant topics which library users can listen to on the library podcast page or download and save to a tablet, laptop or other device.

Reference Resources Online

Public libraries may provide access to online resources such as Ordinance Survey Ireland (OSI) maps, World Health Organisation (WHO) collections, RIAN Open Access Irish research publications, dictionaries and other reference resources for library members.

Remote Printing

Public libraries may provide remote access to printers so that library users can send print jobs from their home or office to a printer in the library and later print them at the library.

Self-service Kiosks

Public libraries may provide self service kiosks so that library members can borrow and return books and other resources without going to the library desk.

Genealogy Resources

Public libraries may provide genealogy resources such as church, land and census records, parish registers, local newspaper archives, street directories and online databases so that library users can research their family history.

Library Publications

Public libraries may publish books, either free or for sale, on topics of interest such as local history, well known people, poetry and the history of their libraries.

Local History Resources Access

Public libraries may provide photographic collections, census information, newspaper archives, historical maps and other local history material for reference and use in the library.

Healthy Ireland at Your Library Programme

Public libraries hold resource collections, run workshops and classes and provide information on health related matters to improve health and well being in communities as part of the Healthy Ireland at Your Library Programme.

Irish Language Initiatives

Public libraries provide online language learning resources and eBooks in Irish. They also run children's events and activities through Irish to support and promote the Irish language.

Library Groups and Organisations Support

Public libraries may support local groups and organisations by providing a venue for community activities, trained library staff to sit on committees and taskforces, and a distribution point for community information.

Library Reports

Public libraries may provide reports and information on library related matters to government departments and other agencies.

Newspapers Access

Public libraries provide local and national daily and weekly newspapers for anyone to read in the library.