Clothes Swap

Communities, schools, business and groups are now able to borrow a free clothing swap shop kit to help tackle the textile crisis.

Free to Borrow Clothes Swap Kit

Communities, schools, business and groups are now able to borrow a free clothing swap shop kit to help tackle the textile crisis.

Clothing Swap Kit

Carlow County Council now offer a free to borrow clothing swap kit for businesses, schools, communities and groups.

What is a clothing swap? 

A clothes swap is a party or event where people are invited to bring along clean, good to wear clothing they no longer use, and exchange it for clothes they will wear. Clothing swaps are an environmentally friendly way of promoting sustainable fashion and reducing textile waste. Clothing swaps encourage us to refresh our wardrobes without contributing to over consumption, and they’re great fun!

It’s been estimated that there are currently enough clothes in circulation to clothe the next six generations. We have a huge problem with global textile waste, especially since the advent of ultra-fast online shopping. Whether we’re swapping regular clothes, sports kits, Halloween outfits or Christmas jumpers, clothes swaps are a fantastic way to extend the life of clothing and divert it from landfills and incineration. They help us in our bid to live in a more circular way, whilst helping us all to support Sustainable Development Goal 12, Responsible Consumption and Production.

With this in mind, Carlow County Council are pleased to be able to offer a clothing swap kit, free to borrow for communities living in Carlow County. The “Kit” consists of four heavy duty clothing rails, a starter pack of adult clothes and hangers, tokens, a mannequin, a full length mirror, a guide for running your event, and example invitations.

To book the Clothing Swap Shop kit, or for more information, contact or telephone on 059 9136231