
Archaeology Information and Advice

Local authorities may provide information and advice about archaeological finds, the protection of national, historic and recorded monuments, and the impact of development on or near archaeological sites.

Architectural Heritage Publications

Local authorities may publish documents about specific architectural heritage sites or types of architecture to promote awareness of local heritage.

Community Archaeology Support

Local authorities may support community and voluntary groups and individuals to improve local heritage sites by providing heritage advice and help with site surveys, excavations and the stabilisation of ruins.

Community Heritage Support

Local authorities may support community and voluntary groups who are developing community heritage projects by providing heritage advice, supporting them with projects and facilitating engagement between national heritage stakeholders and the local community.

Donations to Museums

Local authority museums may accept historical artefacts, memorabilia, photographs, documents and maps from groups and individuals who want to donate them.

Heritage Awareness Initiatives

Local authorities may run guided tours of heritage sites, open days and initiatives with schools to showcase local heritage.

Heritage Data Collection

Local authorities may support projects to collect local heritage data such as area placenames and historic graveyards and preserve it for future generations.

Heritage Forums Support

Local authorities may set up and support forums (groups) where elected councillors and community, voluntary and heritage groups work together to develop heritage plans and identify priority actions to manage local heritage.

Heritage Programme

Local authorities may run education programmes, commemorations, re-enactments and open days to raise awareness of, protect and preserve local heritage.

Heritage Regeneration Initiatives

Local authorities may work with community and heritage groups, businesses and the tourism sector to develop projects to protect local heritage buildings and spaces and provide an attractive place to live, work and visit.

Historic Burial Grounds Management

Local authorities may manage historic burial grounds to protect their historic, cultural and social importance and preserve them for the future.

National Heritage Week Programme

Local authorities may run events and activities including tours, recitals and re-enactments to celebrate and build awareness of Ireland's heritage and support its conservation, as part of National Heritage Week.

Protected Structures Declaration

You must apply to the local authority for a declaration to carry out works to a protected structure in advance. Protected structures are structures of architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest.

Protected Structures Enforcement

Local authorities may take action against owners of protected structures that are at risk and in need of repair. Protected structures are structures which are of architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest.

Protected Structures Record

Local authorities maintain a public record of protected structures. Protected structures are structures which are of architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest.

Public Museums

Local authorities may provide and manage museums to exhibit objects which show the history of the locality and its people and preserve them for future generations.

Record of Protected Structures Consultation

Local authorities prepare a record of protected structures of architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest. You can have an input into the record through consultation.

World Heritage Sites Promotion

Local authorities, together with other agencies, may promote World Heritage Sites in Ireland. They do this through conservation, improved accessibility and public engagement to protect, preserve and highlight them as areas of significant cultural, historical or scientific importance.