Decade of Commemorations Grant Scheme

Local authorities may provide financial support to community and voluntary groups to carry out projects to commemorate events that took place between 1912 and 1922 as part of the national Decade of Commemorations programme.

Carlow County Council has sought applications for the Decade of Centenaries Community Project Grant Scheme as part of the Carlow County Council Decade of Centenaries programme. The “Carlow Decade of Centenaries Grants Scheme” for Community Led Projects is open to groups or organisations or individuals who are organising relevant community projects, initiatives or events during the appropriate period. 

To be eligible for funding, the project, initiative, event must be based in County Carlow and take place before the time specified by open call.

Project/initiatives/events should emphasise the following:

  • Be focused on developing strong links with the community.

  • Demonstrate a capacity to deliver i.e. the organiser(s) must provide evidence of and have a clear plan for delivering the project/initiative/event.

  • Have the capability to promote the project/initiative/event and provide a potential for media coverage.

  • Be either a new project/initiative/event which will take place in 2022 or an addition to an existing project/initiative/event which is being expanded to commemorate the Decade of Centenaries.

  • Mark /commemorate the event in a sensitive and appropriate manner.