Planning and Development Enforcement

Local authorities may investigate and take action against developers of land or property who do not have the required permission or have not met the terms of their permission.

Unauthorised Development and Complaints

Unauthorised development relates to developments and/or uses that are in breach of the planning laws. This is also known as Planning Enforcement. A development is unauthorised when;

  • Planning permission is required, has not been obtained and the development is not exempt.
  • Planning permission was granted but the development is not being carried out in accordance with the plans lodged or conditions of the planning permission granted.

If you wish to make a complaint in respect of possible unauthorised development, please complete the attached form and submit by e-mail to or alternatively by post to:

Enforcement Section, 
Carlow County Council, 
County Buildings, 
Athy Road, 

Contact Number : 059 9170324